Sunday, August 23, 2009

Black Tooth Grin: The Hangover

I wasn't worried what would happen when the book came out. I knew what I had done. I knew that the gripes and accusations that had been aimed at me in the (long) run-up to its publication didn't have any real basis in fact. But there had been so many slings and arrows to deal with, I still wondered what the reaction would be. Not really from reviewers. From Darrell's fans, and his family.

The latter group? I'm still wondering. I haven't heard anything from Vince or Rita, or anyone in their camps. As far as the fans go, I haven't had anyone threaten bodily harm -- far from it. I expected at least a bit of that, and I'd imagine there is at least one or two people who would do so if they were in the same room with me. But so far, my face looks exactly the same as it did before. I don't walk with a limp. Etc., and so on.

There are things I regret, but nothing I would change. Except posting this. Because now I think I may well have jinxed myself.

Aim for the stomach.

Monday, August 10, 2009


I found out recently Black Tooth Grin is getting a second printing. So thank you to everyone who bought a copy, and a special thanks to those who encouraged others to buy a copy to.

In other words: thanks Mom and Dad.

Quick, Star-Telegram, and Dallas Morning News Reviews Reviewed Here

I work as a senior editor at D Magazine. Here, my boss and friend Tim Rogers reviews the reviews of Black Tooth Grin. Link

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Don't Call It a Comeback

It's been a long time. Much longer than I expected or wanted. If you know me, you know my family has been dealing with a terrible loss, and we're just starting to get back into the normal swing of things -- though, of course, we're adjusting to a new normal. So, June was the most bittersweet of months. Anyway. Business as usual starting next week.

As always, thanks for your support.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Me and Black Tooth Grin in the Latest Issue of Texas Monthly

Haven't seen what it looks like in print, but here it is online. I think my parents will be more proud of this than the book.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Random Sentence From BTG #3

"He'd wake up at midnight, roll out of bed, drag everybody down to -- what was it? -- Babydolls, the strip joint, for last call, basically, for breakfast."

Monday, May 11, 2009

Publishers Weekly: Black Tooth Grin is a "reverential but superficial chronicle"

But at least they spelled my name right. Oh, wait -- hold on. Scratch that.

(You can't say I don't post the bad ones, too.)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Nephew and Darrell

There's a photo I didn't expect to see five years ago.

Random Sentence From BTG #2

"'And right next to it was this giant ass with this drill going into or something that said "Pantera."'"

(That made you want to go here, right?)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Live-blogging Mavs/Nuggets tonight with FreeDarko's Bethlehem Shoals at InsideCorner. Join us, won't you?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Me v. Bethlehem Shoals v. My Bloody Valentine

Bethlehem Shoals of FreeDarko saw My Bloody Valentine last night. I saw them last Wednesday. We compare notes here.

Random Sentence from BTG #1

"According to the New Orleans Times-Picayune, in the ensuing melee four people were arrested on charges including 'battery, inciting a riot, and cruelty to an animal after an angry patron punched a police horse in the neck.'"

The Ever-Shifting Release Date for Black Tooth Grin

I wish I had screen grabs of all the different iterations of the Amazon page for Black Tooth Grin, and especially all of the release dates that appeared there. The original, sort of wildly hopeful date was, I believe, sometime in November 2007. Then that was pushed back a few months. Then a year. I kind of lost track at one point. As of a few days ago, it was May 26. Now, and I do believe finally, it is June 1.

Since I received a finished copy in the mail over the weekend, I have to think it's not going to move again. If it does, I hope it's not by much, since Texas Monthly writer Mike Shea interviewed me for their June issue. Blatant plug, I know.

And here's an even more blatant one: that first link up there? Yeah, that one. Right after Amazon. There you go. You can pre-order your copy of
Black Tooth Grin by clicking on it. You know what? Here it is again, in case you're feeling lazy.